Experience Our Efficiency and Cost Effectivity
Blatt Medical Billing Service Inc. specializes in medical billing services for Mental Health, Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Counseling, and other Medical Specialist offices. Our assistance has proven to be cost effective in the long-term due to the efficiency it brings to your practice.

Our Services
We offer a full range of services including but not limited to:
Generate timely and accurate individual claims which are submitted electronically
Generate paper claims when necessary
Accomplish patient verifications and eligibility checks
Track authorizations
Posting of all payments from either insurance or patient/client
Timely follow up on claims submitted
Create and mail patient statements
Courteous but effective collection of outstanding receivables
Monthly reports tracking business activity and productivity
Internet access to CollaborateMD software
We do have extensive experience with Therapy Notes and CareCloud. If you are currently using these and wish to continue.
Lessen Your Workload
We look forward to showing you how much easier we can make your practice. Contact our office today to learn more and get started.